Have you ever wondered if the Law of Attraction is real? After seeing the movie, 'The Secret', many people around the world were curious enough to give it a try! When it failed to work for them, they figured it was just a bunch of hooey, and gave up on the whole idea. Maybe this has happened to you! Or perhaps you found it working on small things, but when it came to things that really mattered, you didn't see things coming to fruition. Many people do not understand how the Law of Attraction really works, so they feel that it is something fake, or worse yet, something that is faith-shattering or eerie. They see the Law of Attraction as nothing more than a big FARCE! Imaginary! While some are just skeptical or cynical about the Law of Attraction, others actually fear it.
I was one of those people who was curious about whether or not this Law of Attraction was something real, and so I tested it out. To my surprise, I had success in using the specific techniques described in the movie for specific desires. "Eureka! This stuff works!" However, to my dismay, I had difficulty manifesting my larger desires; the ones that were really important to me! So I was confused! Then I learned that there are SPECIFIC MISTAKES people make which actually keep the Law of Attraction from working for them in the way they expected. When this happens, most people just give up and discard the whole idea as being phony. Meanwhile ... The Law of Attraction is still working it's wonder in their lives without their awareness. The difference is, they are not using it on purpose to get what they want! They are just letting it ride as it will, and it is bringing to them everything that their mindset dictates, good or bad ... delivering everything that is is in their mind; especially what is in their subconscious mind! This is NOT "hooey"! This is just factual. It's REAL SCIENCE!
Let's take a look at the Law of Gravity for a moment as a reference point, because there are so many similarities between these two laws of the universe. The Law of Gravity is invisible. Gravity is not something tangible that you can 'see' like an apple. The only way we know it's there is because of the affects of it, as it causes the apple to fall from the tree.
The Law of Attraction is invisible too, and like the Law of Gravity, the only way you know it is real is because of the affects it produces. The Law of Gravity is gender-blind, age-blind, color-blind, nationality-blind, etc. It works the same for everyone on the planet! So does the Law of Attraction! Can you use the Law of Gravity to your advantage? YES! You can learn how to use it on purpose! Want to plumb a straight line from the ceiling to the floor? Hold a plumb line at the ceiling and let it drop to the floor. Pull the string, and you have a straight vertical line, thanks to the Law of Gravity. Will it keep working whether you purposely use it for your benefit or not? YES! The Law of Attraction works the same way, and we can learn how to use it to get what we want, or we can just let it work as it will.
I think one of the "trigger" words that cause people to hesitate pursuing whether they can actually implement the Law of Attraction in their own lives is the word 'FEELINGS'. They hear that word and say, "Ok, I'm out of here!" or "Nope! Can't go there!" The idea that FEELINGS are involved cause some to pause. How can this be a scientific law if we're talking about "feelings" being an integral part of the Law of Attraction's effectiveness? Well, let me ask you something, can your feelings affect scientific bodily functions? For example: Can your feelings affect your heart rate? Can your feelings alone cause a headache? Can your feelings bring on a heart attack? Guess what! The answer to all of these questions is YES! These are SCIENTIFIC bodily functions that can be altered by virtue of your FEELINGS alone! Your fear or anger can raise your blood pressure. Feeling nervous can give you sweaty palms or cause you to vomit. And a person can literally be "scared to death", as their feelings can cause a heart attack that can cause instant death.
Haven't you ever walked into a room where you just felt a negative vibe? Where did that come from? It is the result of someone in the room, or many people in the room who are literally exuding negative vibrations. On the other hand, ever been in a room where one person just seems to light up the place? Maybe you were that person! It's your energy, your vibrations, your persona!
And these vibrations attract more than just other people to you. It can attract circumstances and events that are on the same vibrational frequency as you.
At the beginning of this article, I mentioned that there are SPECIFIC MISTAKES that people make when trying to implement the Law of Attraction. These mistakes can cause a person to give up on the idea of using this amazing tool to craft the life they desire. The problem is, just like with any tools, they can be state-of-the-art, premium tools, but if you don't learn how to use them, they won't do you any good! If you don't know how to build a house, all the tools in the world won't benefit you at all. The Law of Attraction is like that. It really is a phenomenal tool that provides it's users with everything they want in life. But if you don't know how to use it properly, you won't be able to use it effectively, and you won't draw to you the things you want.
I would like to share with you the 5 most common MAJOR MISTAKES people make when attempting to implement the Law of Attraction. Once you know what they are, you can do something about it. This can make ALL the difference for you, for your family, your income, your relationships, and your health for the rest of your life!
There are STEP-BY-STEP INSTRUCTIONS that will show you how to use the Law of Attraction to bring your goals and dreams right to your doorstep! I would love to share them with you, and help you achieve exactly what you want, just like so many others have before you! Remember, the Law of Attraction is NOT partial! It is working all the time for everyone. You just need to learn how to HARNESS the power of this universal law to get what you want! The movie left out some VERY IMPORTANT puzzle pieces!! While it opened the eyes of the world to the reality of this law, it did NOT give full instructions on how to use it successfully. When you have a puzzle, you really do need ALL the pieces in order to see the whole picture. There were definitely key pieces missing in the movie. Sections that are vitally important! I know that now, and I am so anxious to share the information with YOU! I know it will make a huge difference for you the same way it has made a big difference for me. The Law of Attraction is working for EVERYONE!
Join me for the Law of Attraction: How to Harness its Power webinar on Monday, November 25th at 10:00am EST! and 7:00pm EST! Register at www.yourloawebinar.eventbrite.com. In the meantime, please share your comments and your own experiences with the Law of Attraction. My hope is that once you realize that the Law of Attraction is purely SCIENTIFIC and that it's REAL, you will be encouraged to take a second look at it here and change your life forever!
Manifest your dreams,
Leanne Cannon
Author, Speaker, Empowerment Coach